Wednesday, December 16, 2015

"The Twelve Days Of Christmas ... Day 2"

Good morning, friends,

yes, day 2 in our little series, and I bet most of you thought that I wouldn't get that far, right? Ah, no, you're wrong, and although I admire those of you endlessly who manage to post on daily basis, partly for years, I never could do that.

Nevertheless I'll try my very best to keep up with my aim to give you a little Christmas present, or, if you'd rather, twelve Christmas presents!

Here's number two for you:

mp3: The Killers - 'Don't Shoot Me Santa'

I don't know all too much about The Killers, they come from Las Vegas and apparently they have issued ten of those Christmas - singles over the years. This is but one of those, the second one, from 2007 in fact. Not all of them are killers (ha ha! got it?), but this one is, for sure!

Watch out for more to come tomorrow!

See you,


1 comment:

Brian said...

"Not all of them are killers..."

That was a good laugh this morning.