Tuesday, December 6, 2011

JC is back ... with a jetlag!

Aruba Airport

Good morning dearest friends,

just a quickie this morning: I just read that finally our pal JC aka The Vinyl Villain has returned from his holiday in Aruba, suitcases were delayed at the airport, he can't really cope with the cold Glasgow temperatures in comparison and, in addition to this, he suffers from a jet lag. Poor guy, but fucking hell, these things won't happen when going to Weston-super-Mare instead, so it's all your own fault, darling!

In fact I am of course only [A] just a jealous guy and [B] use every opportunity, even as far-fetched as in this context, to herald a I, Ludicrous - revival, which I start with this from their 1987 debut album 'It's Like Everything Else':

I, Ludicrous

A mighty tune, so enjoy!




Tricia said...

Ah, haha, poor JC! The music might help. Never fun when luggage takes its own holiday.

drew said...

Hope you had a great Christmas Dirk and are not suffering too much today