first of all: sorry! Sorry that it took me so long to post something new here, but first I have been really busy and in addition to that I didn't feel pretty well recently .... something with my stomach (won't go into detail, but believe me: I was perfectly happy to lay in bed instead sitting in front of the computer).
The only person in the whole wide world who wrote (now that's an alliteration if there ever was one!! ha ha!!) in to ask if I am still alive was dearest Tart from the fantastic 'I Correct Myself, I Mean All The Time' - blog .... and I strongly recommend that you should have a look at what she has to say every bloody day of your little lives! In order to thank her for this, I asked her to choose a year for this series, and she came up with '1979', so there you are: Tart, this is dedicated to you, darling .... and I do hope you enjoy the tunes I chose for you.
Okay ... rock 'n' roll:

Okay, dearest Tart: I have to stop it here. 1979 was such a fantastic year for music, exactly as you said to me, I could go on forever and forever with my choices. I do hope you liked what I found for you .... and for the rest of you as well, of course!
Have fun,
Ah Dirk, you are GENIUS and all too kind! Just gorgeous choices and a few I've not heard at all (the Slickee Boys, Leyton Buzzards), one or two I've not heard in ages (The Cramps!) and some I could hear again and again (Blondie, Joe Jackson, Dead Kennedys)! Thanks so much, muuuuahhhh!
glad you're back with us xooxxox
Um, I thought you were just off stalking Feargal...
Welcome back!
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