Another proud member of the "THIS BLOG CONTINUES TO DECLINE" - foundation for middle-aged men!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
A mixtape .... and why not?
Hello dear friends,
Mrs Loser, together with Little Loser are away for a few hours now (@ the neighbours, preparing food for a Halloween/Birthday party, which is going to take place tomorrow evening. I'll turn up as a mummy there, should you want to know ...).
Either way, I used the time on me own to mow the lawn (for the last time this year I hope) and then went to the computer and listened to some tunes from yesteryear. And whilst doing so I thought to myself: 'Hold on, why not share this stuff with the five blighters who occassionally read this blog?' And there you are, friends, a mixtape for you! Nothing special, just a few songs I listened to earlier today, that's it. I like them a lot, and I hope you do too. I only used songs not dating prior to 1990, because I thought, okay, if one or two people leave comments, perhaps this gives you the chance to do another mixtape of songs from even an earlier period, the one that I like best (1976 - 1989) .... so let's wait and see, shall we?
So here's what I spent my morning with, in no particular running order ....:
(1) Mr Symarip - 'I Was Busted' ('06)
(2) Detroit Cobras - 'Shout Bama Lama' ('04)
(3) Midwich Cuckoos - 'Show Me' ('90)
(4) Harrisons - 'Man Of The Hour' ('07)
(5) Louie - 'Dead Man' ('06)
(6) Clinic - 'The Return Of Evil Bill' ('00)
(7) Mo Ho Bish O Pi - 'Hear The Air' ('00)
(8) Spoon - 'Jonathon Fisk' ('02)
(9) Pulp - 'O.U. (Gone, Gone)' ('92)
(10) Jesus & Mary Chain - 'Rocket' ('98)
(11) Inter - 'Happy Ending' ('97)
(12) Broken Family Band - '12 Eyes Of Evil' ('03)
(13) Raymen - 'Buzzsaw Baby Of The Hollywood Hills' ('90)
(14) Shane McGowan & The Popes - 'Her Father Didn't Like Me Anyway' ('00)
(15) Crimea - 'Lottery Winners On Acid' ('03)
(16) Electrelane - 'I'm On Fire' ('03)
(17) M.A.S.S. - 'Hey Gravity' ('02)
(18) Pooh Sticks - 'Young People' ('91)
(19) McLusky - 'Alan Is A Cowboy Killer' ('02)
(20) Metal Mike - 'I Don't Like This World Anymore' ('91)
(21) Soledad Brothers - 'Break 'Em On Down' ('02)
(22) NOFX - 'Kill All The White Man (live Hollywood '95)
Hope you had fun with that, friends. I certainly had.
Leave comments. Please.
Monday, October 25, 2010
October 25th: Peel Day
left picture: Peel & me in a London pub, 1988 or thereabouts. Jesus, look at that haircut! And, even worse, that jacket: I look like a fugitive from East Germany!!
right picture: at Peel Acres, a few days later: in the background you see a small (!) part of just one (!) of the four (!) double-sided (!) shelves where Peel stored his 7" singles in!!
Dearest friends,
yes, yes, I know: three posts within one month, so you might think 'what the hell is wrong with this guy ... nothing happens for half a year and now he is bombing us with articles!' Be relieved to learn though that I just do this in order to draw your attention to the fact that today is October 25th!
Six years ago on this very day I was honeymooning in Jamaica, me and Mrs. Loser were driving in a hired Jeep from Negril all the way to Port Antonio, rather a hard drive because of the bad roads, but nevertheless fun fun fun ... which came to a sudden stop when reaching the suburbs of Kingston: it was announced on the radio that John Peel had died. Now, this, to date, has been the greatest shock in all of my life, I can't remember anything that hit me that hard so far. Peel had not only been a hero for me since I first heard him on BFBS back in 1983, over the years he became a true friend. Whenever I was in London we would meet up and have a few beers together and he always was friendly and honest to me. Never bad tempered or arrogant, nothing like that, never! I know this may sound rather silly for you to say, but losing him was like losing a close family member .....
Now, Webbie over at the Football And Music - blog had a brilliant idea, and I immediately decided to participate. I think the easiest will be to quote him here:
"There once was a Radio 1 led John Peel Day, but they stopped doing it a few years ago.
The day is still commemorated and kept running with various events taking place at places around Europe, but my fear is like with 6 Music this day is slowly being killed off.
We shouldn’t forget his memory and should not forget his legacy. All those bands, all the music that we discovered thanks to him.
There should be a web version of the John Peel Day, with this one being commemorated by all the bloggers, tweeters, LJ users and tumblr’s out there. If you are Facebook then please join in too.
So on the 25th October 2010 I want everybody to post a Peel Session track by any of their favourite bands.
That date, you’ve probably already worked out, is the date when we lost the great man…
This was partly inspired by JC using the same idea he had with the Paul Haig Day and I hope that he and all his fellow writers will join in to support this one."
Well, there ain't very much more to say to that, right? Apart from the fact perhaps that you should pop over at Football And Music and have a look what the other contributors have to say/post. As far as I'm concerned, I use the opportunity to play to you not one, but ten of my favourite Peel Session - tracks .... and here we go:
25/02/1981 - TX - 03/03/1981
18/10/1978 - TX - 23/10/1978
11/12/1982 - TX - 11/01/1983

04/12/1978 - TX - 11/12/1978
28/04/1980 - TX - 12/05/1980
24/07/1984 -TX - 02/08/1984
03/09/1979 - TX - 17/09/1979
11/06/1985 - TX - ?
21/01/1980 - TX - 23/01/1980
22/08/1984 - TX - 17/09/1984
And, finally, here's the great man himself. This was recorded by the BBC's answering machine one day before John Peel died whilst being on holiday in Peru:
John Peel Phone Call 24.10.04 (mp3)
Webbie, again thanks a lot for your idea and I do hope that it helps us all to 'keep it Peel' indeed!
And, finally, here's the great man himself. This was recorded by the BBC's answering machine one day before John Peel died whilst being on holiday in Peru:
John Peel Phone Call 24.10.04 (mp3)
Webbie, again thanks a lot for your idea and I do hope that it helps us all to 'keep it Peel' indeed!
Have fun,
Friday, October 1, 2010
Link Problems
I just found out that something must have changed with the download links for the post below and also for previous posts: in the past you just had to click the yellow mp3 links with the right side of your mouse and then you were able to download directly.
If you try to do this now, you will fail. Quite why this has happened I don't understand, but either way: you now have to click with the left side, then another site will open up (in German, it's Google Groups: that's where I 'store' my music) and you can easily download from the link shown there.
Rest assured this is no spam/virus thingy ... it's safe, so just do it.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Little Loser's Lottery Pt. 2
Good morning Vietnam!!
Oh boy, AGES since I my last contribution to this site, and whose fault is this?! Not mine, I assure you, no, it's my son, Little Loser (pictured above in all of his cuteness), who demands my attention as soon as I enter the front door in the afternoon when I come home from work. Sometimes he wouldn't even allow me to get my jacket off before I have to lift him up and give him a hug .... which doesn't stop until he falls asleep some five hours later. Not the hugging, demanding attention that is! But I won't complain, because he turned two years three weeks ago and by now is cool as fuck! He understands every word I say (although most of the times he doesn't do what I want him to do, but that's another story) and spending time with him gives me enormous pleasure!
Now, a few days ago I dragged him to the shelf where my 12" singles are and I forced him to pick five of them. He, being a good son, immediately started doing so by choosing the last one in the row, the one that was the easiest for him to grab with his little fingers .... and there went my copy of the Yeah Yeah Noh 'Peel Sessions' 12", because he smashed it on the floor and of course the record fell out of the sleeve! Therefore, although technically it was Little Loser's first pick, you won't get to hear this one, because it is now by and large unplayable.
After that I took more care and finally (after quite some struggle and discussion about the fact that the guy pictured on the sleeve of The Selecter's 'Too Much Pressure' - album is NOT suffering from any heavy physical pain [Daddy!! Man!! There!! Ouch!!] and about the fact that this record CANNOT be chosen by him (because it is no 12" Single)) he managed to pick five other records ... without destroying them, thank God. All in all good choices, I would like to think. I tend to leave the question unanswered though whether this is because his taste is already that good (I don't think the sleeves attracted him, because all of those are rather uninteresting) or whether the collection itself doesn't contain that much crap in the first place. Then again he currently is very fond of one of the great records of all time (which means he does have some good taste indeed, at the very least), The Lime Spiders' 'That's How It Will Be' .... he likes the part where the music fades down and the singer goes "Heeeyy!!" .... and he is imitating that scream perfectly well since five days now when he lies on his back whilst I try to change his nappies. Priceless!
Okay, so let's go, here's what Little Loser picked for you, Ladies and Gentlemen .... please enjoy:
(live '85, taken from the 1986 'Shirt Of Blue' - 12")
Not bad, ey? I enjoyed his choices, especially the first and the last one, because I hadn't heard those for years meself! What did you think? Any comments are highly appreciated, as usual, and this time I promise to read them all out to Little Loser!
See you soon,
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Cool T-Shirt for free? Well, why not!
Hello dear friends,
the wonderful world of blogs is rather small, I just found out. But effective, I hope. I started with reading what my friend JC aka The Vinyl Villain had to say today, then I went from his bloglist to the wonderful Postpunk where I found a link to this great site, 3D Supply. Now, they pretend to give a t-shirt out of their huge and most impressive collection away for free, that's as long as you write something nice about it on your blog. Which I'm doing right now obviously, so I hope the friendly people at 3D Supply read this and after having done so they send out the shirt to me .... right in time before I leave for my holiday later this month!
This is the shirt I chose ...
the wonderful world of blogs is rather small, I just found out. But effective, I hope. I started with reading what my friend JC aka The Vinyl Villain had to say today, then I went from his bloglist to the wonderful Postpunk where I found a link to this great site, 3D Supply. Now, they pretend to give a t-shirt out of their huge and most impressive collection away for free, that's as long as you write something nice about it on your blog. Which I'm doing right now obviously, so I hope the friendly people at 3D Supply read this and after having done so they send out the shirt to me .... right in time before I leave for my holiday later this month!
This is the shirt I chose ...
... and for those of you whose German is not good enough: it's all about vinyl and cassettes, which is fair enough for me, old fashioned as I am.
Well, let's hope 3D Supply keep their promise, because the shirt is dead cool indeed!
I'll keep you informed as soon as it arrives!
Cheerio for now,
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
It's Paul Haig Day today ... again!
Dearest friends,
Paul Haig gave great support to a number of bloggers in the Spring of 2009 when a number of us were hit with all sorts of dmca notices, to the extent that he gave full authority for tracks from his back catalogue to be used in postings. Paul Haig Day was organised at short notice for 6th April and some 40 different bloggers used their space that day to write about his life and work.
Paul Haig Day II is once again on 6th April 2010: today, in fact.
All of this was organised by my good mate JC aka The Vinyl Villain, who runs a fantastic blog which is updated on a daily basis. I find it hard to believe myself, but perhaps there are two people in the whole wide world who are reading this here but have never visited his site. Should this be the unlikely case: do yourself a favour and go here, okay?
Back to Paul Haig: I must admit I know very little about the things he did on his own, that's after the mighty Josef K. split up back in 1981. I won't even begin to try to give an overview of all the things Paul Haig did from 1981 up to now, it would be pointless, I'm afraid. Instead you should either read this article on Wikipedia or have a look at the aforementioned Vinyl Villain on a frequent basis: JC very often offers excellent tunes and/or articles from/about Paul.
The song I chose for today is not one of his solo tunes though, not because the things he did on his own are less preferable, no, the truth of the matter simply is that I haven't listened to this specific one for quite some time, and playing it again today brings back memories of better times (1981), so 'thank you', Paul:
Josef K. - 'Sorry For Laughing' (mp3)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Who can identify this tune, please?
I received a message on my discogs site from Javi from Spain, who has a song on a tape he recorded back in the summer of 1987. He neither knows the artist nor the name of the song, but is desperately looking for any help indeed. The recording quality is best described as poor, but nevertheless please spend two minutes of your time, listen to the track and if you have a clue: please let me know, so that I can tell Javi.
Here's said song.
Cheers my beauties ... and thanks for your time and help,
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Some Of The Best There Ever Has Been: '1985'
Fellow Americans,
I was 17 in 1985 and the following tunes then were the soundtrack of my life. I still love to listem to them these days, some 25 years later, and I can only hope that you will do likewise. The groups/titles may well be known to you by heart already, but I included some live versions that, at least so I think, will not be that well known. For the rest: well, yeah .... is it really wrong to listen to the good old stuff from yesteryear every once in a while? I don't think it is, therefore please wail back in time and enjoy:
1) Warum Joe - 'Electrolyse' (mp3)
I have this on a fantastic compilation called 'La Vie En Rose' on New Rose Records France. Said compilation was released in 1985, the track itself was on the band's 'Le Goût De L'Effort' - 7", which was already released in 1983. So I'm cheating a bit here in one form or another, then again I first heard the tune when buying the compilation in 1985. Warum Joe hail from France, they started their career in 1981 and they are still going strong ... at least they were last year.
2) Einstürzende Neubauten - 'Sand' (mp3)
Originally performed by Nancy Sinatra, written by Lee Hazlewood: here you find an astonishing version of the song, done by German industrial rockers Einstürzende Neubauten. On the back of their 'Yü-Gung' - 12" on What's So Funny About ... - Records from Germany.
3) Sacred Cowboys - 'Highway 61' (mp3)
From Melbourne, Australia and active in 1982-1985, 1987-1997 and since 2006. A great band doing a great tune, originally performed by Bob Dylan, of course, although I suspect that this version here might find more approval from at least some of you than the original does. Again taken from the 'La Vie En Rose' - Box Set - compilation ....
4) 10.000 Maniacs - 'My Mother The War' (mp3)
Led by the wonderful Natalie Merchant, 10.000 Maniacs formed in New York back in 1981. Again, 'My Mother The War' was originally released as a single in 1983 - and even turned out to be a minor indie hit in the UK, thanks, as so often, to John Peel's airplay. The reason I list it here in this column is that it was included again on the band's 'The Wishing Chair' album, which was relased in 1985 on Elektra.
5) Blancmange - 'Feel Me' (live) (mp3)
'The London Sampler', a 1985 London Records Label Compilation by and large, has many great tunes on it, and this is but one of them. Not surprisingly, because Blancmange, who were Neil Arthur and Stephen Luscumbe, simply were an outstanding band back in the early eighties. 'Feel Me' was originally released as a single in 1982 and to be honest I have no idea when above live version was recorded: then again I don't care pretty much, because it surely is a gem and it captures Blancmange's energy pretty well!
6) The Wolfgang Press - 'Heart Of Stone' (mp3)
7) Style Council - 'My Ever Changing Moods' (live) (mp3)
Well, there ain't pretty much to say about The Style Council, is it? Listening to them when I was 16 or 17, amongst all the other post punk/punk - stuff beneath, often gave me a bit of a 'bohemian' feeling, I'm ashamed to admit: then again I never knew whether Weller (bearing what he did with The Jam in mind) was really cool or whether he was just a ninny ... and we'll never know, I'm afraid. One of their finest tunes, first released in 1984, presented here in a live version, live in Liverpool in fact, from a 7" given free with the NME in September 1985.
8) Lloyd Cole and The Commotions - 'Forest Fire' (live) (mp3)
Again from the aforementioned NME - 7", but this time recorded live in London: Lloyd Cole & The Commotions. Surely one of the finest bands from Glasgow ever, and if you don't owe their debut album 'Rattlesnakes' from 1984 yet ('Forest Fire' is on it as well), then you haven't really lived your life properly so far.
9) Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - 'Hollow Heart' (mp3)
Again already released as a single in 1984, but also to be found on their debut album 'Talking About The Weather', which was released on Red Rhino Records in 1985. I saw them live in 1986 and I thought they had split in 1991, but to my great surprise I just learned - whilst searching for a band photo - that apparantly they reformed in 2004 and released new material until 2006. I'm willing to have a small bet though that the new stuff won't have have the strength and power that above song has.
10) Robyn Hitchcock and The Egyptians - 'Heaven' (live) (mp3)
The album 'Gotta Let This Hen Out' was released on Relativity Records in 1985 and basically is a recording of a gig the band did at The Marquee in London on April, 27th 1985. From it, I chose 'Heaven', originally released, also in 1985, on their album 'Fegmania!'.
Enough for today, pop-pickers, I do sincerely hope you enjoyed some of the above: would be neat to let me know if this was the case - or not the case - in the comments section ...
Take good care,
I was 17 in 1985 and the following tunes then were the soundtrack of my life. I still love to listem to them these days, some 25 years later, and I can only hope that you will do likewise. The groups/titles may well be known to you by heart already, but I included some live versions that, at least so I think, will not be that well known. For the rest: well, yeah .... is it really wrong to listen to the good old stuff from yesteryear every once in a while? I don't think it is, therefore please wail back in time and enjoy:
1) Warum Joe - 'Electrolyse' (mp3)
I have this on a fantastic compilation called 'La Vie En Rose' on New Rose Records France. Said compilation was released in 1985, the track itself was on the band's 'Le Goût De L'Effort' - 7", which was already released in 1983. So I'm cheating a bit here in one form or another, then again I first heard the tune when buying the compilation in 1985. Warum Joe hail from France, they started their career in 1981 and they are still going strong ... at least they were last year.
2) Einstürzende Neubauten - 'Sand' (mp3)
Originally performed by Nancy Sinatra, written by Lee Hazlewood: here you find an astonishing version of the song, done by German industrial rockers Einstürzende Neubauten. On the back of their 'Yü-Gung' - 12" on What's So Funny About ... - Records from Germany.
3) Sacred Cowboys - 'Highway 61' (mp3)
From Melbourne, Australia and active in 1982-1985, 1987-1997 and since 2006. A great band doing a great tune, originally performed by Bob Dylan, of course, although I suspect that this version here might find more approval from at least some of you than the original does. Again taken from the 'La Vie En Rose' - Box Set - compilation ....
4) 10.000 Maniacs - 'My Mother The War' (mp3)
Led by the wonderful Natalie Merchant, 10.000 Maniacs formed in New York back in 1981. Again, 'My Mother The War' was originally released as a single in 1983 - and even turned out to be a minor indie hit in the UK, thanks, as so often, to John Peel's airplay. The reason I list it here in this column is that it was included again on the band's 'The Wishing Chair' album, which was relased in 1985 on Elektra.
5) Blancmange - 'Feel Me' (live) (mp3)
'The London Sampler', a 1985 London Records Label Compilation by and large, has many great tunes on it, and this is but one of them. Not surprisingly, because Blancmange, who were Neil Arthur and Stephen Luscumbe, simply were an outstanding band back in the early eighties. 'Feel Me' was originally released as a single in 1982 and to be honest I have no idea when above live version was recorded: then again I don't care pretty much, because it surely is a gem and it captures Blancmange's energy pretty well!
6) The Wolfgang Press - 'Heart Of Stone' (mp3)
British band, formed in 1983. Members Michael Allen and Mark Cox had previously played together in the bands Rema-Rema and Mass whilst Andrew Gray was initially a member of In Camera. Lauded as one of 4AD's longest-tenured acts, the band would go on to record consistently until the mid-nineties. 'Heart Of Stone' is, at least in my humble opinion, the best track from their album 'The Legendary Wolfgang Press And Other Tall Stories', which was released on 4AD Records in 1985.
Well, there ain't pretty much to say about The Style Council, is it? Listening to them when I was 16 or 17, amongst all the other post punk/punk - stuff beneath, often gave me a bit of a 'bohemian' feeling, I'm ashamed to admit: then again I never knew whether Weller (bearing what he did with The Jam in mind) was really cool or whether he was just a ninny ... and we'll never know, I'm afraid. One of their finest tunes, first released in 1984, presented here in a live version, live in Liverpool in fact, from a 7" given free with the NME in September 1985.
8) Lloyd Cole and The Commotions - 'Forest Fire' (live) (mp3)
Again from the aforementioned NME - 7", but this time recorded live in London: Lloyd Cole & The Commotions. Surely one of the finest bands from Glasgow ever, and if you don't owe their debut album 'Rattlesnakes' from 1984 yet ('Forest Fire' is on it as well), then you haven't really lived your life properly so far.
9) Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - 'Hollow Heart' (mp3)
Again already released as a single in 1984, but also to be found on their debut album 'Talking About The Weather', which was released on Red Rhino Records in 1985. I saw them live in 1986 and I thought they had split in 1991, but to my great surprise I just learned - whilst searching for a band photo - that apparantly they reformed in 2004 and released new material until 2006. I'm willing to have a small bet though that the new stuff won't have have the strength and power that above song has.
10) Robyn Hitchcock and The Egyptians - 'Heaven' (live) (mp3)
The album 'Gotta Let This Hen Out' was released on Relativity Records in 1985 and basically is a recording of a gig the band did at The Marquee in London on April, 27th 1985. From it, I chose 'Heaven', originally released, also in 1985, on their album 'Fegmania!'.
Enough for today, pop-pickers, I do sincerely hope you enjoyed some of the above: would be neat to let me know if this was the case - or not the case - in the comments section ...
Take good care,
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
... and YESSS .... he's back!!!
Hello dearest friends,

ages (!!) since my last post, I know, and no, I won't apologise for it, because I wasn't tanning my cute little ass in the Caribbean sun for the last months: in fact Little Loser stole all my time recently and I suppose that's the way it should be when there is a baby in the house. But I have bragged about this 'situation' on and on here and elsewhere, so the only thing I want to make clear is that I don't want to complain about my life: no, the opposite is true, friends, in fact it is true every second I see the little man! But enough of that ... let's have some music, shall we?
First up a record I fell in love with as soon as I first heard it back in 1999 on John Peel. Not the stuff I would usually listen to perhaps (I mean, it somehow sounds like Fantastic Plastic Machine playing a song based on a Hawaiian version of the 'E-I-E-I-O' at the end of "Old McDonald's Farm", with a touch of Trio's 'Da Da Da') ... but, most importantly, it works!!
A 7" on Motorway Records from Japan and after searching for it for 11 years, I finally got my hands on it last week for a fair price indeed. And because I love you all up to no degree, I want to share it with you, so here it is:

I have no information whatsoever about this band, to be honest. The fact that the record was issued on a Japanese lable might mean Princess Kaiulani are a Japanese act, but then again this might mean anything and they hail from the depths of Antarctica, who bloody knows?!
PLEASE let me know what you think of it: this is one of those records which only I seem to adore. Or did it meet with the approval of some of you as well?
Next up something I discovered very late last year, so late in the year in fact that it was too late to include it into my list of submissions for the CONTRAST PODCAST FESTIVE 50 (*). Had I found it earlier, I swear it would have been my contender for the number one, that's for sure! A duo, again I have no idea where they come from, she is called Juju, he is called Nez - although I suspect those are not the names they have been christened ... that's unless they come from the USA, of course - and that's all we need to know, right?
The video is a real treat, so you should have a look at it on youtube or elsewhere: I mean, let's face it, we all love beautifully young skinny chicks freaking out, don't we, and Juju is/does exactly that in the video. The record is available on Custard Records and well worth tracking down - here -, I would think!!

* all three parts of the aforementioned Festive Fifty, as well as other episodes of the Contrast Podcast, can be downloaded here, here and here.
As you might have gathered from previous posts on Sexyloser, I do like to listen to some of the good old-fashioned noisy stuff from time to time, therefore - without any other reason at all apart from the fact that I haven't listened to those myself for quite some time - here come:
-1- can be found on 'The No Future Years ' - double CD from 2000 on Anagram Records (although originally issued on an EP back in 1981), -2- on the 'Out Of Control' - 7" from 1985 on Citadel Records, -3- on the 'Dead Man' - CD - single on Fallout Recordings from 2006, -4- on 'Plays The Hits Of The 90's', a Mini-LP on Triple X Records from 1991, -5- on 'Kickstarting A Backfiring Nation', an album on FREUD Records, 1986, the tune was originally done by The Members, of course.
All of the above - basically all of the below in previous posts as well - is up for sale now on my discogs - site for reasonable prices, i would like to think. So if you are interested in a specific tune and want to get hold of the actual original record/CD the tune you liked is on, just pop over at discogs and have a look there at my seller site:
Perhaps I should add that all the money I make out of selling my record collection goes straight to Little Loser's steadily growing collection of nappies/clothing/toys/etc. .... so there you are: "charity" it is basically, in one form or another ...
See you soon, my beauties!
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